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Moving house might mean you have to change your doctor. But doctors need information about their new patients. Does that mean you have to arduously collect documents such as doctor’s letters, X-rays and hospital discharge reports? Is that particular doctor still practicing? Or will you have to go through all of the examinations all over again – possibly at great expense? Isn’t there a digital solution for medical records here?

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Any company has a number of (business) processes, particularly so the financial services sector. They involve activities that need to be performed to process a business transaction, for example. Process modelling graphically represents this (business) process by depicting the chronological sequence of activities. But what advantages does this create and how can these be used in conjunction with digitisation?

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Inside adesso

18.03.2021 By Carolin Höhn

Factor for success: design systems

Picture Carolin Höhn

In the world of digital design, the concept of making things smoother and more efficient to create higher-value solutions is gaining momentum. My blog post explains what design systems are, what sets them apart and how you stand to benefit.

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